Friday, August 8, 2008

Salmon Soufflé

It's a Friday, and I have enough latent Catholicism in me to think that Fridays mean fish. Casserole Cookery: One-Dish Meals for the Busy Gourmet indulges my association with a pantry cooking dish.
Salmon Soufflé

Time: 1 hour

1 No. 1 can salmon
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 cup milk
4 eggs
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
salt and pepper

Make cream sauce, melting butter, blending flour, and adding milk and seasoning. Cook for 2-3 minutes, remove from the stove, add yolks of eggs and salmon. Stir well and fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Put in buttered casserole with straight sides and bake in slow oven (375°) for 35 minutes. Serves 4.

Salmon soufflé
Salad: Lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, cucumber and French dressing (2 parts olive oil, 1 part garlic vinegar,
Drop biscuits

For that unexpected (uninvited?) guest. All from materials that should always be on your shelves.

Ooo, a typographical error? An omission? What comes after the 1 part garlic oil? Other than the missing stuff (salt and pepper, I'd wager, and maybe some mustard), the salad and dressing sound remarkably like what I thought salad and dressing were as a kid. Those ingredients. Presented the same way. Over and over.

Until, of course, the Kraft Catalina Dressing taco salad came into our lives... :swoon: It's trashy, it's kitschy, it's so very good.

But this is about the salmon soufflé...

I like the assumption that everyone's going to have a soup-can-sized can of salmon on her shelf (and, yes, the assumption is that the cook is a woman; the drawing on the page shows a woman walking by a window overlooking a station where the train has just pulled away; there are two men's hats on the sideboard, and it's 5 minutes to 7... a whole story in a little picture). I think I actually do have one up in my cupboards... I've butter and flour, milk, ... heck, I might even still have 4 eggs.

Dang. I could actually throw together this pantry cooking recipe right now.


Remember, I've linked to a can size number cheat sheet in the past; a No. 1 can is the same size as a Campbell's condensed soup can.

Tomorrow, a bonus post, and a new cookbook. Should the bonus post be Egyptian Eggplant, or Celery Au Gratin?

(Yes, "Celery Au Gratin.")

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